05 July 2008

New Zone

Well I am not sure how this will go, but I have been thinking a lot this week and things have been going through my mind while I have been trying to get to sleep and one through really struck me. I was thinking that It has been 6 months since Mum had her operation and I feel that we have come out of the long dark journey and back into the light. I am not sure if she will accept losing her limb but we live in hope, because I know its a huge thing that has happened, but I do know that she's looking at it in terms of it's been done, I am here, and I just got to get on with it.

From my point of view I feel I have come full circle maybe that's the circle of life, but I am starting to be able to slowly but the last four years of pain and suffering behind me, and best of all, I have got my Mum back to the Mum I have always had before she was ill. The only difference now is she is temporarily in a wheelchair, but that doesn't matter to me and it should matter to anyone else.

I suppose I am learning to live with disability from a different perspective now, in that I have been born with my disability and my parents and family have lived with my disability, because I and them haven't know any better, but now I am learning to live with Mum's disability and its a sort of new learning curve for me, and I feel honoured to be the one to help her first hand.

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