02 August 2008

A War Against the Enemy

The canopy shines down upon me with it's bright beautiful light, spurring me on with its powder blue sky's to keep on keeping on. Its warm, soft fibres wrap me up in a comfortable, soothing blanket where I have been blessed to have people who care about me, and can guide me, and help me, and lead me to problem solve, and fix this 2 month old frustration and dilemma.

It is indeed a blessing, because I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get this thing working again. I am so connected to writing and sharing, and touching other individuals lives who have Cerebral Palsy, a learning disability, and any other kind of developmental delay; that I do not know what I would do if I couldn't write, connect, or reach out in the way that I do.

Thus, I want to thank all of you for being patient with me as I keep moving forward to make this blog and my site the best you expect it to be. I welcome all your suggestions and kind words, as I continue to fight the good fight and continue to speak up for the rights of people with disabilities and advocate on your behalf!

I will climb the highest mountain, and speak the truths as I see them. It has been well over thirty years since I have started on this path and no one, no where, no how, will stop me from empowering and inspiring and leading the way to real solidarity in the world we live in today. We must forge forward, together, in unison. We must do this by continuing to break down the walls and the berries that separate and divide us. We must keep our chins up, and face our foes head on, and we must continue our battles in a constructive, positive, reaffirming way. We will succeed, and keep succeeding, and conquering, but only if we lend our hands to another.

If you want to wage a war against discrimination, or in any mater- we must all work together in partnership and truly help each other across the board like I was today, and yesterday, from a fellow friend. If we all find it within ourselves to help or lend a helping hand to one another we will all better ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what happened with my google account.

    Anyway... I want to say thank you for your inspiring words. We all will get through these troubling times. WE MUST!
