11 May 2008

Beyond Boundaries: Across the Andes

I was so pleased to see another series of Beyond Boundaries, I have watched each one and I have really been inspired by the people taking part. I can so relate to all of them, no matter what their disability is. It seems to me that maybe because of our disability, we have, I know I do, have a zest for life and a hunger to want to achieve as much as possible.

I can particularly relate to the members of the group who have CP, although I not in the Andes, I feel watching them that I am taking every step with them, I know just how much energy it takes just to go a short distance, never mind crossing the Andes. I know they will achieve it and it will inspire them to want more.

Some of them have become recently disabled, and I can relate to this some what, with Mum becoming disabled herself. It hits people hard because it's something they may never of experienced before, but being part of a group will help them to adapt to the surroundings and by the time the journey has finished, they will have experienced something that many abled-bodied people haven't and I am sure that they will realise that being disabled isn't the end of the world, it's just the beginning.

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