01 February 2004

More Surgery

Following a very successful recovery I was back to work within 5 months I suppressed all the hospital staff with my recovery. Although after a few months I started having problems with my knee it was so painful that I was unable to weight bare on it and therefore was unable to walk which I found frustrating I can tell you I made and appointment with my Consultant as in the back of my mind I knew I would have to have surgery on it sooner or later. Initially I had a few weeks of treatment to see if it would improve things but no, in the end I had to go in to hospital to have a camera put in to investigate what was happening.

I had to wait a few weeks before I got the results but then I went back to see my Consultant for the verdict. Well your knee doesn’t look very good it’s very unstable hence why you are having pain. We have two options:

1 You can wear a full length calliper all the time
2 We can arthodese your knee (fuse it straight)

Well I said I don’t want to wear a calliper all the time because I can't put it on myself now that I had the metal in my back as I wasn't able to reach forward that far now, and I don't want to rely on people to do it for me because that would hinder my independence.

It therefore looks as if the operation is the only way I can see to make things better for me and give me back my mobility in time and remove the constant pain I have.Ok surgery is the way we will go I will add you to the waiting list

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