I have learned a great deal from the challenges that have come with my CP. All my life I have had to work doubly hard to get to where I am and to have created a life for myself and those I care about. Every-time, I mastered a new skill, whether it was driving, getting a job, or building my website, my sense of control over my own life was enhanced. Destiny has a thousand pieces of wrapping paper over it. I think what Armand Hammer meant by that is that out of struggle and adversity comes a great desire to achieve in every aspect of our lives. It feels me with pride to know how much I, and each one of you has accomplished in our own lives.
The effort myself and all of us have put out in our families, our work, and our spiritual lives pays off in a hundred different ways. A person can only succeed by putting out all that they are. It has allowed me to light a spark that has been burning for a very long, long time. And this light has developed into a blazing display of contentment, joy and happiness. Knowing and feeling all of your support with me has given me a new sense of dedication. My hope has expanded and has taken on a new meaning. Because without any of you, I am truly nothing!
The disabled community has a special love for each other, a deep connection and link to a kinship which is unbreakable. A bond that will last until eternity. This connection, which is based on knowing how much we have worked to achieve. These specific challenges may differ, but, we have seen the glory of the light, and, we know first hand how much we need God and each other to bring hope not only to each other, but to the world. As a great American play-write said, Our task is to rise and continue.
In everything that we do, we remind ourselves and the world not to take anything for granted. We defy the all to common idea that nothing is worth a long term effort. I have seen a thousand types of struggle: to deal with discrimination, physical and mental pain, and the daily task of cleaning house, taking a shower, caring for my animals and hubby, and finding within, the courage to reject every limitation other people put on myself.
I hope, that reading this blog I have set up and written for all of you, has made your own struggles a little easier and your joy last a little long.
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