18 February 2008

Walked for England

Well what an achievement yesterday was I have said a few times to my manager that I would make it my mission to get to her office on foot and as you may remember I managed to get half way recently, well yesterday I decided because the town was quiet, ok it was cold I would make it my mission of the day to walk the rest of the way. Off I marched well as good as you can with a frame but you get the jist. I got halfway with ease and thought now I just need to carry on slowly and yes you guessed it I made it and was really pleased because when I turned around to look how far it was I suppressed myself, don’t know exactly how far it is as haven't worked it out yet but I had made it nevertheless. After standing in the sun for a few minutes I slowly made my way back and I felt great, as I'm still without my chair it must be at least 2 weeks now so it's proving I am getting stronger.

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